Create a bookmark
Mandatory arguments
name (string) a name for the bookmark
token (string) a valid token
bookmark (dict) a dictionary with properties layers and dems. Layers should be a list of dictionaries containing the properties type, id and selected. Type should be one of ‘ellipsis’, ‘base’ or ‘external’. Selected should be boolean. Id should be the id of the layer or external layer, in case of type base you can choose between id=1 (open street map) and id=2 (google satellite map). dems should be a list of dictionaries containing the properties id and selected. Selected should be boolean. Id should be the id of the raster layer.
Optional arguments
parentId (uuid) the id of the folder to create the bookmark in
publicAccess (dict) dictionary describing the public access of the bookmark
metadata (dict) dictionary describing the metadata of the bookmark
Retrieves bookmark details
Mandatory arguments
pathId (uuid) the id of the bookmark
Optional arguments
token (string) a valid token
Edit an existing bookmark
Mandatory arguments
pathId (uuid) the id of the bookmark
token (string) a valid token
Optional arguments
layers (list) a list of dictionaries containing the properties type, id and selected. Type should be one of ‘ellipsis’, ‘base’ or ‘external’. Selected should be boolean. Id should be the id of the layer or external layer, in case of type base you can choose between id=1 (open street map) and id=2 (google satellite map).
dems (list) a list of dictionaries containing the properties id and selected. Selected should be boolean. Id should be the id of the raster layer.